Welcome to the SimPlotter home page.

SimPlotter is a website dedicated to play-aides for the Harpoon V game system by The Admiralty Trilogy Group.
Harpoon V is copyright (c) 2023 The Admiralty Trilogy Group, LLC.


1 FEB 2023 - Public debut of the new SimPlotter website!

Flowchart-oriented H5 calculators

Some Harpoon 5 processes are complex. To help navigate the processes, Tom Niedzinski created easy to follow paper flowcharts. Several of the flowchart background images were modified for use in a web browser, and will provide instantly computed results (see links below). The downloadable paper flowcharts are available at Tom's Harpoon Page.

Target Engagement Geometry
Surface-to-Air Gunnery
Surface-to-Air Engagement
Surface-to-Air Missile Attack

Example Flowcharts

The links below will provide help for using the flowcharts.

Target Engagement Geometry
Surface-to-Air Engagement

Source Files

The source files for the web browser version may be downloaded from GitHub, and can be used offline when no Internet connection is available.

Harpoon Helper GitHub Page


SimPlot is a play-aide application that lets players conduct a game of Harpoon using graphics instead of miniatures. Referees of a multiplayer game may also conduct a game via the Internet by sending turn files or screenshots to players. The SimPlot application is available for free download at the HarpGamer download page.